Climate change impacts, such as prolonged droughts, heavier rains, more pests and diseases, and lower yields threaten coffee production worldwide. Smallholder coffee farmers around the globe, who cover 80% of global production, are facing unprecedented challenges. In response to these challenges and the needs of coffee farmers, c&c has developed the coffee&climate toolbox together with farmers, agronomic experts and researchers. The c&c toolbox is an interactive web app on climate-smart coffee cultivation for smallholder coffee farmers and agronomists worldwide and bridges the gap between science and farmer know-how. It is free of charge, user-friendly and intuitive, and comes in different languages:
During the launch event, c&c Climate Change Coordinator Victor Komakech from Uganda, c&c Program Manager Stefan Ruge, and c&c toolbox Expert Anika Nicolaudius shared background information and insights about the c&c toolbox.

“Farmers often lack the knowledge and resources to deal with the challenges of climate change”, stresses Stefan Ruge, Program Manager coffee&climate. “In order to have a liable and thriving future, farmers need to move away from outdated practices to innovative and adaptive approaches”. He views this as a transformational challenge which is about the wellbeing of farming communities and the entire coffee industry.
We are building capacity in the coffee sector by empowering farmers with the knowledge and resources they need, and by sharing the coffee&climate toolbox as a public good.
“This project was really a joint effort of colleagues and experts from all countries in which coffee&climate is active”, Anika Nicolaudius, c&c toolbox Expert, explains the collaborative way of creating the new web app. “We started the process by discussing what needed to be considered and which features will be needed. We then drafted the tools based on field reports and case studies, backed up by manuals and common guidelines. And finally, we generated region-specific versions of the toolbox together with the regional offices and agronomists.”
Something that was important to us from the very beginning was the collaborative approach of the toolbox development.
This way, the c&c team made sure to create tailored tools related to region-specific needs. For example, the concept and implementation of cover crops is the same throughout the regions, but there are different cover crop species in every country. Also, different unit systems, such as hectares and acres, kilograms and quintals, are considered and the tools are adapted accordingly.

Accessible via smartphone, tablet, and laptop, even in low-bandwidth areas, the c&c toolbox offers climate-smart coffee practices, so-called “tools”, in the form of easy-to-use step-by-step instructions. Farmers find practical instructions for the effects of climate change on their farm in the form of graphics, short videos and descriptions in local languages. Extensionists find materials to support farmers in achieving climate-smart coffee production in a dedicated trainer section.
Farming communities have increased access to digital tools. We are working with a lot of young people who want to do farming as a business, and they are very interested in using digital tools. For me as an agronomist, the toolbox is a very useful resource in my daily work.
The c&c toolbox is a go-to knowledge hub that combines known practices and innovative methods to effectively tackle climate change. Kathrine Löfberg, c&c Chairperson and Chair of Löfbergs Sweden, says: “The launch of the c&c toolbox marks a crucial step in helping smallholder coffee farmers adapt to the challenges of climate change—a milestone that could only be achieved through the collaborative efforts of the c&c members working together for a sustainable future.”
The c&c toolbox aims at climate-smart coffee cultivation, fostering resilience against climate impacts while nurturing biodiversity, promoting reforestation, and ensuring farmers’ livelihoods. It places great emphasis on inclusivity ensuring global accessibility regardless of age, gender, or education level. The toolbox embraces the spirit of global knowledge exchange and strengthens connections between coffee farming communities.

During the launch event, the toolbox received important initial feedback. At first glance, the audience judged the toolbox as very easy to navigate: “It works perfectly, and it is very user friendly!”, wrote one participant. One voice from the audience stated that the toolbox offers „lots of opportunities for synergy and collaboration”. In fact, the c&c toolbox is a living resource.
c&c will constantly test and develop new tools in the regions. Field tests will help to improve the toolbox according to the needs and wishes of the farmers and farming communities. External input from stakeholders is very welcome, and the c&c team is already cooperating with other organizations to fill the toolbox with the most valuable information. This way, they will make sure the toolbox will continue to evolve based on user feedback, farmer know-how and latest scientific insights.