The brand new c&c toolbox is here.

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Welcome to the c&c toolbox

The coffee & climate toolbox is an interactive web app on climate-smart coffee cultivation for smallholder coffee farmers, trainers and experts worldwide. Accessible via smartphone, tablet, and laptop, even in low-bandwidth areas, the c&c toolbox offers climate-smart coffee practices worldwide. It includes so-called “tools” in the form of easy-to-use step-by-step instructions that equip farmers and farming communities with valuable information. It is free of charge, user-friendly and intuitive, and comes in different languages.
coffee & climate toolbox app on a smartphone, three different screens

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Climate-smart coffee practices worldwide

The new c&c toolbox will foster resilience against climate impact, nurture biodiversity, promote reforestation, and aims at ensuring farmers’ livelihoods.

Farmer information and trainer section

As a farmer, you will find practical solutions for the climate change impacts on your farm.
As an extensionist, you will get valuable insights in a dedicated trainer section to holistically support farmers in achieving climate-smart coffee production.

Go-to knowledge hub

The c&c toolbox is a got-to knowledge hub that combines known practices and innovative methods to effectively tackle climate change. In response to the needs of coffee farmers worldwide, we developed the toolbox in collaboration with farmers, agronomic experts and researchers to bridge the gap between science and farmer know-how.

Check out the new c&c toolbox and learn all about climate-smart coffee practices worldwide!


accessible Anywhere

The toolbox is openly accessible from everywhere in the world, on any device. Offline mode included!


The toolbox is developed alongside with farmers, technicians and some of the worlds leading climate experts.


The toolbox consolidates more than 25 adaptation and mitigation practices, constantly reviewed and updated.

Local Versions

Regionally optimized tools and many languages deliver the best guidance for smallholder families.

coffee&climate toolbox Website FAQ

What is the coffee&climate toolbox?

The c&c toolbox is an interactive web app on climate-smart coffee cultivation for smallholder coffee farmers and agronomists worldwide. It is free of charge, user-friendly and intuitive, and comes in different languages.

Why was the c&c toolbox developed?

Coffee farmers around the globe are facing unprecedented challenges. Climate change, more pests and lower yields threaten coffee production worldwide. In response to these challenges, the initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) has developed the c&c toolbox, an interactive web app on climate-smart coffee cultivation.

What is the goal of the c&c toolbox?

The c&c toolbox equips coffee farmers with valuable information to make coffee production more climate resilient. It aims at climate-smart coffee cultivation, fostering resilience against climate impacts while nurturing biodiversity, promoting reforestation, and ensuring farmers’ livelihoods.

How does the c&c toolbox work?

Accessible via smartphone, tablet, and laptop, even in low-bandwidth areas, the c&c toolbox offers climate-smart coffee practices, so-called “tools”, in the form of easy-to-use step-by-step instructions. Farmers find practical instructions for the climate change impacts on their farm.
Extensionists get valuable insights in a dedicated trainer section to holistically support farmers in achieving climate-smart coffee production.

The c&c toolbox consolidates adaptation and mitigation practices. It places great emphasis on inclusivity ensuring global accessibility regardless of age, gender, or education level.

Who is behind the c&c toolbox?

The c&c toolbox is implemented for the initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) by Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS) . It is financed by the c&c members: Delta Cafés, Franck, Joh. Johannson, Lavazza

Foundation, Löfbergs, Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, Paulig, Tchibo, Julius Meinl, The J.M. Smucker Company, Tim Hortons, Walter Matter and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency as public partner.

What is the initiative for coffee&climate?

The initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) is a pre-competitive partnership of private and public actors. Working in seven regions worldwide, c&c strives to support smallholder coffee farming families and their communities to effectively respond to climate change, increase their resilience, and improve their livelihoods. More than 133,000 coffee farming households have been trained on climate-smart techniques to date.
c&c was founded in 2010 by the shareholders of International Coffee Partners (ICP) together with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and is coordinated and implemented by Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS). Today it consists of the founding members Delta Cafés, Franck, Joh. Johannson, Lavazza Foundation, Löfbergs, Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, Paulig, and Tchibo, the associate members Julius Meinl, Smuckers, Tim Hortons, and Walter Matter as well as the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency as public partner.