Jul 6, 2022 | News Article, Tanzania
Aside from its beautiful hilly landscapes, waterfalls, flora, and fauna, the Mbeya region is known for being the breadbasket of Tanzania. The southern highlands of the country have enough rainfall and fertile soil that enables almost effortless growth of coffee...
Oct 13, 2021 | News Article
The initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) just kicked off its third phase of implementation to increase climate action in coffee production. The target is ambitious: continue to develop suitable responses to climate change and roll out knowledge on climate-smart...
Sep 22, 2021 | News Article
Billions cups of coffee are consumed every day around the globe. But most coffee drinkers are not aware about the effects of climate change on coffee production. Or that coffee might disappear by the end of this century. The initiative for coffee&climate is...
Sep 16, 2021 | News Article
Fairtrade among other works to make coffee production resilient to climate change. The initiative for coffee&climate’s toolbox is now part of Fairtrade’s Coffee Standard. One of the activities recommended by the standard to ensure actions that promote sustainable...
May 17, 2021 | News Article, Trifinio
About the author: Michaela Tomchek has worked within the specialty coffee industry for over six years – spending time in the Coffee Belt, researching how to promote sustainable development amongst the communities responsible for coffee production. She currently...